In Deuteronomy 8:8, The Israelites are promised:
"a good land…, a land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey."
God was giving us a peek at healthy living. Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians to exercise “self-control.” And I feel that this applies to our overall lifestyle, including our daily diet, as well as to our behaviors.
And, I know you have been waiting for this post for two weeks and I apologize. Life got in the way. So here’s my recap. It’s a little long, so stay with me for just a little longer.
Better late than never, here is a wrap-up post about my 6 day juice fast/detox plan created for me by Tiffany Finney with Pour Me Some Juice. If you haven’t visited her blog or Facebook page, take a minute to take a look. You will really learn a lot and get some great recipes. And, if you are from the Jackson area, I highly recommend getting a vegetarian meal or two a week prepared by Tiffany and Amy – freshness and goodness. Can you say yummy? Check out Wholey Chow for the menu. They will be teaching classes on Raw Food Prep in November at UT-Jackson. Check it out.Now to the detox wrap up. First and foremost, at the end of the period I felt better and had more energy than I have had in 10 years! And now that I have introduced “healthy” eating into my daily lifestyle, I continue to have energy and feel great. I can also immediately tell the difference in how I feel when I “cheat” and eat foods that are good in taste, but not so good for your body. I feel sluggish, tired, too full- just a little miserable. But, that will happen from time to time, because even though I am slowly changing my eating habits and daily diet, I will “backslide” and that’s OK. As long as I don’t continue the slide as I have in the past.
I can tell a difference in my skin. My face kinda glows (to me anyway) when I am eating and drinking healthy. And, BTW, I don’t think I have mentioned how important it is to drink, drink, drink water. I try to drink close to a gallon a day. So good for your skin.
After a couple of days, I wasn’t hungry at all and felt satisfied and without the urge to snack all the time. The juice, smoothies, soups and salads were very filling.
I slept like a sweet baby. As opposed to a newborn- they usually wake up all during the night and I often did that. No, on detox I fell asleep quickly and slept sounding. Didn’t wake at all during the night. And felt absolutely great when my feet hit the floor in the morning. I was tired when I went to bed because I was bustling around all day getting stuff done- because of all that energy. Love it! Got that craft room cleaned out (watch for a future post about a HUGE sale on my gently used products- Cheap).
My weight went down about 5 pounds during detox week. Now, I had read that a lot of the weight loss during detox is water loss and that you will gain it back when you start eating normally again. So wrong in my case, because, I did not start eating “normally” after the detox. That was the whole point- changing my eating – changing my daily diet to include healthy foods. I did gain back 1 pound, but it is gone now. Total weight loss since I started with Tiffany – 9.5 pounds. My wardrobe just got bigger! Now, I need to get moving to go along with the diet change to help get the pounds off.
All systems go! I did drink a lot of liquid and ate very little food that needed to be digested. Tiffany uses a powerful juicer that removes the fiber from the fruits and veggies, so digestion got week rest. I was a little concerned that that would have an effective on my systems, but everything worked and worked well. Here are photos of our juicers.
I did miss my coffee. I was good and cut out coffee and had a cup of hot green tea each morning. I was a little drowsy in the early evenings the first couple of nights. But that went away. However, I never acquired a taste for the hot tea. I finally found a lemon and Stevia combination that was fairly tasty, but I am a Southern gal and we just don’t drink our tea hot!!
Thanks so much for hanging with me for this long email. And for sticking with me during the detox. I hope you stay tuned. Next I will be posting about what I am doing now. For instance, today my cupboard is pretty bare (grocery time), so for lunch I had lettuce wraps with homemade roasted red pepper hummus, a couple of medjool figs, some almonds and a few cranberry raisins- plus a few bites of avocado. And it was tasty and filling – more importantly: I Feel Great!
‘Til next time……